The Monk and the Revellers, oil on board, 80 x 137cm 2018 as part of series Out of the Margins

The Monk and the Revellers, oil on board, 80 x 137cm 2018 as part of series Out of the Margins

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Out of the Margins is a series of works that include, painting, work on paper, photography and installation in response to the 14th Century illustrated manuscript, the Book of Hours of Jeanne de Navarre. The viewer of this peculiar and beautiful medieval treasure enters a world of curious characters, narrative depiction and decorative calligraphy. Laura is drawn the edges of the page and attaches herself to an ensemble of inch-high characters. She explores their relationship to the viewer and considers the divides created by the properties and structure of the page. Out of the Margins engages with the theatrical gestures and movements of the characters, combining 2d and 3d and exploring scale.

Out of the Margins Blue, oil on canvas, 2019

Out of the Margins Blue, oil on canvas, 2019

Untitled, mixed media on paper & thread installation, 2019

Untitled, mixed media on paper & thread installation, 2019

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